About 'The Inset Tool'!

  • Use the Inset Tool to create more geometry
  • Very Useful for detailing
  • Useful for adding geometry without excess geometry.

(Unique Video Reference: 17_SC_BCC)

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This lecture ended abruptly. I started the next lecture but there was no mention of the abrupt ending to the previous lecture. That would have been helpful.

I see that later in the next lecture you are working on the sword again so I am assuming that it is a continuation of this lecture.

The lecture is very useful and helpful but ends with a bit of confusion. At any rate, here is a sword and dagger that I made as part of the challenge. The sword was made first starting with a cylinder. Then I duplicated it and altered its shape to be a dagger. I see that mine has much more geometry than yours and texturing will be more complicated with my models than yours.


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Richard, shouldn’t be any abrupt ends.

I had a couple of lectures be destroyed or chewed up by Udemy during their processing. I will check this one when I’m back home later on.

Thank you for the clarification. I did not believe you meant that to happen.



It is a whole 6 minutes too short!

Fixing now :slight_smile:

Great! Thank you


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