About 'TextMesh Pro & Polish'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Using Unity's Package Manager to install TextMesh Pro.
  2. Font a font online to bring into your project.
  3. Create font atlas using the font you found and TextMesh Pro.
  4. Create a TextMesh Pro text for your title.
  5. Find a colour scheme you like and update the colours in your game.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Know how to use TextMesh Pro and how to polish the look of your game.

(Unique Video Reference: 13_TX_CUD)

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You mention in the video that we could also use the Text Mesh Pro to put a custom text for our story text. When I try to do this the GameObject wont accept the new (text mesh pro) story text into the Text Component slot.

I assume it has something to do with this highlighted line of code:

I’ve tried looking up a different thing to put there to make it work in Unity Docs but I couldn’t make it work. Could you explain how to use the text mesh pro text in the dynamic story text?


Ah yes, I mentioned that in a bit of an offhand way, my bad, I should have either not mentioned it, or explained it properly.

If you jump ahead to lecture 40 (called “Using ToString()” in the Number Wizard UI section) you’ll see my explanation.

What you need to do is use the namespace of TMPro and to make your variable of type TextMeshProUGUI instead of type Text. So add:

using TMPro;


[SerializeField] TextMeshProUGUI textComponent;

Alternatively, you could leave your code exactly as it is, and change your type from Text to GameObject. In this case, GameObject is a more general type that will allow you to drag any game object into the field in the inspector.

Hope this helps and makes sense.


I found out after this lecture that the Text Mesh Pro is powerful and easy to use tool to polish your visuals. I am really tasteless when it comes to choosing color. Adobe Color CC helped me alot with that issue. Thanks a lot for this lecture, it really brings forward the design aspect of a game. Heres what I did for my game:


I had a blast putting this together… I’ve already shared my first version. Hoping to share more when I add more options :slight_smile: Great section.

(I’m still a bit confused about some of the scripting, but the video said that was fine… so holding out for now!)


This sure was fun! Here’s what I came up with!


Thank you for the help! I was able to get it working now. Yeah the body text isn’t easy to read but I just wanted to be able to do it.

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Having a lot of fun so far, thank you very much for the good lessons!


This is what I came up with and I have a question regarding it.

I used a lot of squares to create the background, which created a long list of objects under the Canvas tab. Is there a way to create a more organized list like merging the squares together or creating folders inside the regular hierarchy?

Thanks for the answer in advance.

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Yes, we’ll be covering those things as we progress through the course. For now, you can create empty game objects (right click in the hierarchy and create empty game object) which can serve as “folders” or organising objects.

Thank you.

Here’s my theme.


Here it is:


Thanks for taking a look at it!


Hope you like it!


Here’s mine, hope you like it! Loved all of yours!


Taibaijan font

I’d love to introduce background image like others but so far I don’t know how to do it…


Hope you like it.


This is how I made my game look.


I made a title screen for mine:

And this is what it looks throughout the whole game:


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