About 'Start & Success Screens'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Add a start game button.
  2. Add a success scene.
  3. Add a replay game button.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Be able to create start and success screens with corresponding buttons.

(Unique Video Reference: 27_TV_CUD)

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I’ve not added my main menu screen yet (I’ll be ripping that out of one of my other games) but I have started on my level selection lobby. It’s set up to work in a similar way to Battleblock:

Personally, I quite like how the control instructions turned out. They are visible when you’re idle at the top of the screen, but disappear once you start moving, or if you descend to the next level (shown submerged in the video).

Note: This isn’t actually level 1, it’s just my test scene. :slight_smile:


Confetti-splosion for the win screen :slight_smile:


I like it! :smiley:

Awesome you guys, loving it!

this is what I went for




i have find some thing in LoadNextLevel()
while i am doing this my player die but in level 1 pass through level exit so i put some change in code hope it will use

 if (player.isActiveAndEnabled)
            Time.timeScale = LevelExitSoloMoEffect;
            yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(levelLoadDelay);
            Time.timeScale = 1f;

            var curreentSceneIndex = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex;
            SceneManager.LoadScene(curreentSceneIndex + 1);
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I Thought I would try a End Game animation Only a test needs a bit off tweaking.

I set the level exit portal with great particle effect from Cartoon FX Free (JMO) and Canvas setting. I really like the effects!

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