About 'Snapping'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. How to toggle snapping on and off
  2. Different ways of Snapping

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Be able to align objects in a scene with part of other objects.

(Unique Video Reference: 14_GS_BEC)

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I had some trouble at first with aligning my bricks. I still am not used to the pop-up menu that used to be the Tool display menu. So, after practicing a few times, it became a bit easier to accomplish the assigned task. Everything was explained well and I understood Mike’s lecture. The problem that I am having deals with the big difference between Blender 2.79 and Blender 2.8. I miss being able to select all using the letter A on the keyboard and deselecting all by hitting the A key again. I found that you deselect using Alt A (or maybe I have inadvertently changed a setting in User Preferences).

I don’t think anything needs changing in the lecture. It demonstrates quite well the topic of Duplicating and snapping pieces together.

I finally got a good looking wall and I went a step farther and put a bevel on the brick to make it look more realistic. The bevel was quite easy as all the bricks were linked. I did one brick and they all had bevels. Of course, I had to go into edit mode to use the bevel tool.


Snapped some rotated bricks until I had a circle, and duplicated them into a wonky tower at sunset. I really liked how it turned out.


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Single-value dice

Good news A Toggle is now available in latest blender, have to go to preferences and select toggle.
Like Mr. Rayer was saying, it was a change that was needed. the select all is back to normal like in 2.79.
They also made changes to the pie menu, but you can default it and it will go back to normal.
Which was a relief !

Didn’t post pic thought it was boring like looking at a wall, I didnt add any flare.

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Here is my brickwall. :slight_smile:
I added a bevel modifier so that the junctions of the bricks could be visible. :slight_smile:

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Again re-using old objects, like the portcullis from before lesson. I thought it was a no brainer.
But, I’m the first to combine …

Added brick mortar (part of the stone.


Nice! I couldn’t help playing around with lights and what Cycles renderer makes of it. Just love it :white_heart:


Very nice room.

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Nice lighting, but dangerous building. Adding a fence …?

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