About 'Quick Tip Duplicating'!

Michael show you a quick tip that is especially useful if you don't have a stylus.

(Unique Video Reference: 4a_SG_BEC)

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This is an excellent tip! I would prefer using my stylus but I find it cumbersome in rotating and moving around the scene. Actually, I really can’t find a way to move around my scene when I have the stylus in my hand. I have to switch to a mouse to get around the scene than pick up the stylus to draw. I find that frustrating. I know this course is about Eevee and Blender 2.8 environments but tips on setting up a tablet and stylus to get it to work easily would be very helpful.

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I do have a stylus but its a cheaper alternative and blender does not recognise it with pressure sensitivity so tidying up like this after using it is the best of both worlds for me.

Very good video! I have loved the tipps to work without a stylus and only with the mouse.

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