About 'Pose To Pose - Extremes'!

  • The furthest an object or character will travel

(Unique Video Reference: 14_AP_BCC)

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I liked this lecture. It gave a simple challenge which I managed to over think. I set up a grease pencil animation to show the ball roll to the platform, jump up on it and than go to the end and jump off. I tried to key in a rotation (which turned out awful) and a jump on and a jump off. That is a lot of key frames (16 in all). Then I watched the rest of the lecture and realized that I was making the animation too complex for what the lecture was wanting. Frustrating to do all the work and fuss with the rolling ball that for some reason wanted to hop along. Also, just looking at all the key frames (18 in all) it was turning into a major project. Then realizing that keep it simple was your main goal of this lecture, boy did I learn a valuable lesson.

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