About 'PhysicsBody2D - Making a Character'!

In this video (objectives)…

1 Create a KinematicBody2D character 2 Define custom player inputs 3 Move the character left and right using player inputs

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Know the different kinds of PlayerBody2D nodes, Understand when to use move_and_collide() and move_and_slide() and how to use and and not in if statements

(Unique Video Reference: 3_HD_GDT)

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I think the course is super so far! However in this particular video I feel that more time could have been devoted to explaining Vector2, _physics_process(delta), and move_and_slide. The brief description given is very informative, however I am nearly at the end of the section now and have had to return to this video just to remember some of those fundamentals.

I’m going to re-watch the whole section again as I find the code difficult to remember. The built in functions and classes that Yann uses are fantastic, but I think a section/video should be added to show us how to go about using and finding them.

Having almost completed the section and following along with Yann to create my own game, looking back at the code I have written makes me feel really overwhelmed and confused! It’s easy when it’s broken down, but I’d never be able to do it myself without watching the videos again and copying along. This is especially evident with the built-in Godot functions that, if I was to attempt building a game myself and didn’t know they even existed, would leave me stuck for ages.

To sum up, I just want to stress that I’m really enjoying the course! I just wish the pacing of the coding segments was slower and new concepts introduced more gradually so I feel that I’m not suffering from total information overload.

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That’s some pretty solid feedback!

It can be hard to remember all the functions that a node can use, let alone how they work (I look them up constantly). I think I might be able to squeeze in a video a little later in the section on how to use the documentation.

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