About 'Particles & Algorithm Improvements'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Fix a minor bug in our pathfinding algorithm
  2. Add cool jet booster particles to our enemy
  3. Add hit and death particle effects.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Use particles effects two different ways, either referring to a prefab on the same game object, or a separate asset.

(Unique Video Reference: 31_RR_CU2)

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The stale particle effects will self destruct if the ‘stop action’ is set to delete and the ‘loopimg’ parameter is set to false on the primary component of the effect.


In addition, parent particle system duration is 5 sec and all child duration is set to 0.2 sec
It is better to decrease duration for parent particle system.

The particle system stop action not working for particles offscreen was also fixed in the latest Unity version, so there should be no problem using the Stop action: Destroy now, I certainly haven’t seen any lingering gameobjects.

So after watching this lecture i am left with the question what are the differences (dis-/ advantages) of putting a particle system directly as a child on the prefab or using the reference to another prefab.

So far i found that the prefab only shows the first child level if you expand it in the project explorer and if you have a child of a child object it is still there but only visible when you drag an instance into the scene (or maybe i am wrong and there is a way so see them?). But that is just convenience and has no technical implications, or are there some?

Really great work! Love the graphics.

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