About 'Parent, Child & Animation'!

In this video (objectives)...

  1. Explore the relationship between parent game objects, their children and how that impacts animation.
  2. Set ourselves the challenge to tidy up our animations.

After watching (learning outcomes)...

Be clear on how the parent-child relationship impacts animation.

(Unique Video Reference: 26_GL_CUD)

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This is great! Glad you needed to do this. The explanation cleared up some confusion for me.

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Thanks for saying so! It may have worked better at the start of the section, but sometimes I think too much theory at the start prevents people from seeing the application of it. This seemed like a good place in the section.

While I understand the reason for setting up the lessons in this way to avoid front loading theory in the section, I have to say I’ve found this lesson to be incredibly frustrating. Intentionally teaching bad practice only to swing back later to show good practice just seems counter productive and confusing.

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