About 'Optimising And Cleanup - Dissolve'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Understand the impact when models are used repeatedly
  2. Optimise our models
  3. Learn about dissolving

After watching (learning outcomes)…

You will be able to produce models and therefore scene that are more optimised.

(Unique Video Reference: 13_SG_BEC)

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Well, this took a bit of time to get those vertices and tris down to a reasonable amount. I tried all the ways you suggested and I think you really do need to approach it from many different directions. Alt H did not seem to work for me as for hiding grass blades that I wasn’t working on so I don’t know if it is a BETA bug or a bug in what I am doing myself.

I decided to combine 3 grass plants that I had done in the first lecture on grease pencil drawing and make them one decent looking grass clump. After dissolving vertices for an hour, this is what I came up with. It started at nearly 6000 Tris and ended up at 404 Tris.

1612 tris from 54000

My workflow for this was to go into Edit mode and select all control points, then (De)select First and (De)select Last, then X and Dissolve vertices. Then deselect all control points and choose (De)select First to select all the control points at the base of the grass and change the Mean Radius to a higher value to give the grass a thicker base. Then to go to Curve in the Properties editor and in the Shape section reduce the Resolution Preview U value from 35 to 7. And that’s all I did. This workflow is also known as the " I’m not really interested in preserving the shape of the original curves". The image below is the non-reduced tris version

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82k to 1k using the remove first and last method


I decided to work with my tree on this one and have no idea how many hours I spent on this lesson, but those hours are spread over 4 days :persevere: In the end, I dropped it from over 50k to just under 9k verts. In the end, I’ve got a much better-looking tree :slight_smile:


your comparison is very interesting and helpful and the tree looks really good.

Thank You

this lesson is not working in the latest stable blender version many keys you mentioned have changed, better do an update or add text on wich keys are now used. just kept watching and in the end i figured out how it all worked , so good information but presentation could be better :wink:

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Learned a lot in this lecture - thanks! I like the idea of making models as efficient as possible. This model could be much more efficient, it is currently 12K.

I suspect the bezier curves could be done with just start and end points (?) and some better duplication (arrays?) of the mini fronds.


This is an impressive count reduction @Marc_Carlyon

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I converted the original strokes to bezier curves and did the “keep only first and last vertex” trick, reducing the pure curves to 96 vertices. Looks pretty awesome, and came down from almost 20k to 1.5k tris with geometry.


The original plant had 37,524 verts and now the plant has 207 verts



on the bright side … a lot of grass in my garden does look like this. i need to mow more


Good fine grass. Let the real stuff grow, just say it is left as reference for the modelling, saves on mowing more time for Blender!

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