About 'Masking With Textures'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Use a texture to say where something is and where it is not
  2. Look at using is when mixing colours together or mixing shaders together
  3. Generally masks are greyscale images of one value

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Be able to use a texture to control where something is and where something isn't

(Unique Video Reference: 18_PW_BEC)

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This presented a challenge. I did use a color ramp for the gradient change with the colors of green at one end and blue at the other. I did not use the RGB for blue and green but just the color ramp then I move the sliders on the color ramp to get the colors to position where I wanted them. Of course, I also had the Separate XYZ set to using Y for the direction.

Then I saw how you did it and realized that I got to the same conclusion but used a different approach.

I like to add a little noise to it too. :smiley:


Plain gradient “plank”. Ended up using Exactly Mikeys setup.

Did a couple of different planks for this challenge.

Ironically, despite being such simple materials, it took me a few minutes to realize I needed to use an HSV Node rather than a MixRGB Node for the Rainbow Plank.

Applied the course content on a landscape instead of the plank.

For more color variations (dark colors next to the bright colors) used another mix node with a black to white color ramp as a factor in a multiply mode).


looks very interesting.

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I added an array and a array controlled rotation empty, Just experimenting.
Its green in the back, because that part is the lowest (green = mask black) mesh part.



Mapping controls position and stretch of the gradient. Noise added, 1st colorRamp controls “spread”, 2nd one controls noise transition.

All noise parameters accessible from the group:


Used @Carl_Gustafsson setup and played with the noise. Fun!

This lecture reminds me of popsicles for some reason :smile:


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I did not think of the color ramp at this point but thought I need to add a replacement texture, so I went for the gradient texture. Doesn’t make much of a difference in the end.

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Masking with textures



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