About 'Making a Locked Door Part 2 - Wiring the Lock'!

In this video (objectives)…

1 Use a for loop to get all the children of ButtonGrid 2 Connect all the buttons to the script with a signal 3 Use the text label of each button as an argument 4 Display the Player's button input 5 Check if the Player's guess is correct

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Wire up the Numberpad to the Locked Door

(Unique Video Reference: 20_HM_GDT)

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Does godot accept unicode in the text fields of the buttons. Just curious.

HM. It SHOULD do, but I can’t see how to make it work. I shall investigate!

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It seems I missed when you enabled bbcode (in the display)
so I did it in code
func _ready():
display.bbcode_enabled = true

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