About 'Jumpy Jumpy'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Revise how velocity is being applied to our player's RigidBody.
  2. Add a positive y velocity to cause the player to jump.
  3. Tune the global gravity and player jump speed to give the right feel for our game.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Make your player jump and fall in a way which feels good to play.

(Unique Video Reference: 13_TV_CUD)

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Hi Rick

Why do you change the gravity for the whole project? You can also change the gravity scale on the RigidBody, so it doesnt affect all the other RigidBodies. Or is there a special reason you did it on project level?

And there is no need to print out the velocity. You can look it up under the Info Tab on the RigidBody :slight_smile:

Yep, you can change gravity per object or for the entire game. The reason to change for the entire game is so that gravity is consistent - a player will fall in the same manner as another object in the game… if we change everything’s gravity individually then we have differences in how they look and behave.

Ok, that makes sense. Thank you :smiley:

I don’t know if it is mistake but now you can jump being in the mid air.
Do we plan to change it, eg like in ‘StandardAssets’ ball example by raytracing or checking vertical speed?

Updated Sat Aug 25 2018 10:38
Ok, so I see this will be the subject of next videos.
Pretend as there was no question :slight_smile:

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has anyone else noticed that when running on an angle the jump is amplified? this also happens if I happen to clip an edge of a corner while jumping, the y axis seems to get amplified…

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