About 'Introducing Particle Effects'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Create our first particle system and tune it to look like a starfield.
  2. Create a second starfield to show some parallax and different effect.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Use particle systems to create a starfield.

(Unique Video Reference: 25_LD_CUD)

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I had a slightly different solution to the challenge in that I set mine up as a ParticleSystem and worked out an accurate, dynamic timer for destroying the ParticleSystem. My method for it was as follows:

private void GenerateDeathParticles()
		ParticleSystem ps = Instantiate(_particleSystemPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
		float psKillTime = ps.main.duration + ps.main.startLifetime.constantMax;
		Destroy(ps.gameObject, psKillTime);

If I understand my code correctly (haha, never a guarantee) it calculates time for the last particle to spawn and allows it to play out completely before killing the ParticleSystem.


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