About 'Instructor Hangout 3.3'!

  1. When will we teach mobile inputs? (Ken)
  2. Important to be good at math? (Adam & Cam)
  3. One script versus many scripts?
  4. What to do next with the project?

(Unique Video Reference: 30b_PB_CU2)

We would love to know…

  • What you found good about this lecture?
  • What we could do better?

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Enjoy your stay in our thriving community!

Something to do tonight then… you’re asking about the particular lecture 30b_PB_CU2 is that right?

@ben Hi Ben, Since I’m trying to be an active part of this community while I work through the course I thought it would pay to respond to your post.

I’ve found this section of the course quite easy to follow, though I was a little annoyed that some of the early features/goals for this part of the course were dropped. In particular the control layer and the scoring/power-ups sorts of features.

I think it could have benefited from even a short discussion on how a ‘game loop’ script could be implemented or how we could mitigate the issue of destroying the player object (and hence losing stored variable values)

I’m a big believer in under promise, over deliver. I saw the same pattern in the 2D course, features would be dropped from a game, with the intention of ‘we’ll introduce it later’ , when really if it was discussed or ‘promised’ then it should at least be tackled, even if in a fairly basic way.

One other thing is that I’d like to see the use of SourceTree revisted briefly as we move through each major section, I find myself now having to go back to the relevant lectures to watch some of the basics again as they havent yet 'bedded; in my mind.

Otherwise, lots of fun and easy to follow. I’ve had great feedback on my own little game, and I’m enjoying the variety that such a simple game mechanic has inspired in the community.

Thanks for these courses and I’m sure I’ll pop my two cents in a few more times in the future.

Hi, and thanks for your feedback and for holding us to account. We generally believe in over-promise, over-over deliver but sometimes fall short because we are human.

If we ever drop features from a section, it’s to keep the content concise and because we believe you’ll be able to retro-fit said feature using the knowledge from a future section. That said if there’s a specific instance please let us know so that we can either remove the promise, or add the content.

Many thanks


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