About 'Implement Singleton Pattern'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Introduce the Singleton Pattern.
  2. Use DontDestroyOnLoad().
  3. Examine the Unity script execution order to see that we can use Awake() for our singleton.

After watching (learning outcomes)… Able to implement a Singleton Pattern to ensure that our score persists across level load.

(Unique Video Reference: 26_BR_CUD)

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I believe this one was a great lecture, crystal clear and really enjoyed it. Thanks for all the effort you put in. My only suggestion might be that you can give an heads up about the “Reset Game Session” lecture before this one ends, because as soon as this lecture ended, I tested my game and noticed that after the game ends and we hit “play again” the game keeps the score. So I thought about opening a topic here but then noticed that it was the upcoming lecture :slight_smile:

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Good point, I’ll do that.

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