About 'Ignoring Unreal Derived Files'!

  • Derived files can be easily rebuilt
  • Other files (code, assets, level layout etc) can’t
  • Ignore most derived files for version control
  • Which folders to ignore in version control
  • Our starting .gitignore file for Unreal.

(Unique Video Reference: 4_BE_URC)

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  • What you found good about this lecture?
  • What we could do better?

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first off; its really awesome you are showing this setup and proper use of it.

when that is said i didn’t think this part of the course (sourcetree+git setup) was good.
i felt like i was missing a lot and the lecture was talking to me as if i was supposed to know a lot of stuff from an earlier video, which i went back to check if i missed one but that was not the case.

it was first at the very end it was said that he will show one thing in the next vid, but at this point I am confused about how much of this I need to figure out and google for myself and how much will be shown in future videos.

the shown files don’t exist unless you already combined the visual studio and the unreal setup, which we haven’t done as we were never told to do so and expected this to be a guided tour; or at minimum semi-guided.

feel a bit disappointed in this part (but is only like 3 vids so yer “is what it is” ^^).

as for the feedback; in short

  1. “don’t talk to us like we should know something which if we did we wouldn’t need this lecture; it makes us feel stupid and that’s not a good stated of mind”
  2. “don’t show stuff and talk as it should look like that without giving a hint to what we had needed to do to make it so. as it is confusing and we feel like we missed something since what is said makes little sense right now as we do not have the file setup which is shown here”.

Thanks for your feedback on this.

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