About 'Getting Into VR'!

  • What about mobile VR?
  • Supported hardware: Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.
  • Setting up our base project.
  • How head tracking works in Unreal.

(Unique Video Reference: 2_AE_VR2)

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Hi, I was waiting for the bit where you check to see how much I know about C++ and Unreal. I know some knowledge is required but how much. For example - version control. I used to do C++ but before things like Github. I’m happy to do a quick getting up to speed course but it would be useful to know where that is.

Check out the quiz in the last section.

Ok Sam when are you releasing this course?



I’m new to VR but want to invest in an HTC Vive Cosmos as my desktop device/ head mounted display. are there any dev. or interface differences I should be aware of compared to a regular HTC vive before I invest in it?

I don’t expect there will be much. Just check the compatibility with Unreal first.

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Can you give me more details about Version control and Git repo? How do they affect to projects?

Version control keeps a history of the important project files. We use it to track the changes made in each lecture. It’s linked in the course for each video.

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