About 'Getting Blender 2.8 Installed'!

  • Why Blender 2.8
  • Where to get Blender 2.8 from
  • Explain Daily Builds
  • CAUTION with existing Blender files

(Updated AFter Blender 2.80 Beta Release)

(Unique Video Reference: 2_GS_BEC)

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I’ve tried 2 versions of Blender, 2.8.3 and 3.0 and the interface is so completely different from what I see in this course it’s very difficult to follow. I don’t see 2.8 BETA available for download anywhere. Is a version with the same interface used in this course available anywhere?

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Welcome back here.
What are you noticing any different? 2.8 is barely different from 3, just been a few buttons moved sort of thing.
Old versions.

Thanks for the reply. For starters, the Operator Panel does not display when deleting an object so that’s different. It does display when adding an object but disappears when I navigate away and I can’t find it again (it’s not minimized, just gone) so I can’t follow along and make changes in the operator panel.
Also, instead of User Preferences, there are Preferences and there is no Rotate Around Selection under Interface. I did find, buried under a completely different section “Orbit Around Selection”.
Here’s my preferences screen:

Most of the controls the instructor is using in the video are missing and the keystrokes for scaling and such don’t seem to work for me.
Just for context, I am a software engineer and extremely computer literate. It’s just difficult to follow a tutorial when there are so many differences.

More differences:




The same version is available via the link I posted. Seems they were in 2.80

So that should cover getting things the same as in the course. I believe somewhere that is recommended.

Though personally, I prefer to use a more recent version and work out where something has gone. Often the question has been asked before if it was not obvious.
Or you can ask here or in the GameDev Discord channel if you choose to do the same.

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Thanks again. I’m rewatching the lessons I already watched and despite the differences I’m able to follow along a lot better now.

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Great. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Blender has a great user community and if ever you get stuck ask somewhere.

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