About 'Fraction Too Much Friction'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Identify the issue - the ball slows down after hitting the side of the paddle.
  2. Alter the physics material friction value to remove all friction on the ball.

After watching (learning outcomes)… Stop the ball slowing down when it collides with the paddle.

(Unique Video Reference: 17_BR_CUD)

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I loved this lecture and whole course generally! I think it’s pretty concise, with great beginner-friendly challenges and leaves space to learn and evolve both as a programmer and game designer.
I noticed that if the ball hits playspace colliders close to 90 degree radius, it will basically move straight from one to another side. I’d like to fix that by adding some angle (perhaps even with random factor) each time when hitting these colliders. I have no idea how to add this angle to ball movement. Can you help me with this issue? :slight_smile:

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