About 'Finishing the Tutorial'!

In this video (objectives)…

1 Adding text to objectives in the tutorial 2 Using a JSON file to update the objectives

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Finish the tutorial by revisiting JSON files

(Unique Video Reference: 36_HM_GDT)

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func move_objective_pointer():
	var pointer = $ObjectivePointer
	var marker = $ObjectiveMarkers.get_child(0)
	pointer.position = marker.position
	$Tween.interpolate_property(pointer, "position", pointer.position, marker.position,
			0.8, Tween.TRANS_SINE, Tween.EASE_OUT_IN)
	$TutorialGui/Popup/Label.text = text[str(child_number)]
	child_number += 1
	if(child_number == 4):

Capture Capture3

Basically the same. My solution to the challenge. I’ve changed the offset for the LIght2d by 320px. That way the light shadow behaves a little better.

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