About 'Export & Import Package'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Export scenes and SceneLoader.cs from previous project.
  2. Import package into our new project.
  3. Set up build settings, change aspect ratio, update text.

After watching (learning outcomes)… Export scenes and logic from one project and import as a package into another.

(Unique Video Reference: 3_BR_CUD)

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Goodmorning Rick.

I am still stuck in ‘Background sprite (blue rocket)’.
Cant get the sprite in the right measure in scene (its way to small) and the other spites also.

Can you please provide the correct items in a zipp file, so I can continue the course?
I am looking for the right canvas & sprites sizes.
I tried to continue, but I need the correct sizes to go on correctly…

Thank you. Your work is amazing!

Hey there. Got some help. Its fixed!


Glad you got it fixed. Just a reminder that at any point in time you can click on the link in the resources that takes you to “Lecture Project Changes”. This is our github repo with all of the files from our project. Feel free to download anything you want.

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