About 'Enable A Gameobject From C#'!

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I thought this video was Great! I love that you challenge me continuously to use what I have learned, and that often these challenges are Juuuuuuuust outside my ability. It really does help convey the feeling that you will always be outside your comfort zone when coding/game-making.

One thing that I think would have helped this lecture:

When you introduce a new method of doing something (in this case, getting the ship to play an explosion FX) that has already been taught previously in the course with a different approach, could you please explain why we are using this method versus the other?

You may have said so and I just didn’t catch it (listened twice and did’t hear), but this would help the noobie’s understanding immensely.

After mulling over it for a while, going through the code, and thinking about this new method, I realized (however obvious it is to others) that it is because the Project.Boost method never uses a BUNDLED Prefab with the visual and audio FX combined.

Project boost played (and in the case of the audio, stopped as well) the explosion and the explosion sound using separate code statements.
Argon.Assault calls on the prefab that has the two components Particle System and Audio Source.

Sorry for the long post!

Thanks for everything guys!!!


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Thanks for the great feedback and observations - we’ll do our best to give more of the “why” we are doing something so that it is super clear.

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