About 'Deciding How to Mix Materials'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Decide on how to mix material properties together.
  2. Have a detailed look at why we would do it one way an not another.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Be able to make conscious decision about how to mix material properties together

(Unique Video Reference: 19_PW_BEC)

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My node setup so far :

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I know I am on the right track but I don’t seem to have set up the node group correctly to be able to change the rations of each texture in my node group. But, this was the challenge and I am showing what I did before watching the after challenge explanation.


I should also show what I put in my Node Group:

I haven’t finished the challenge section of the lecture yet ,but I was experimenting with what we have learned and made this version of the wood plank adding a procedural wood grain to the plank. Here is a screen print of what it looks like showing the node setup. I am still not sure how to set up the node group so that I can control the grain outside of the node group.

I just wanted to show some more experimenting with Node Groups and I discovered that I could input the parameters for the Mix Ration Group to make moss as well as a Noise Texture Group to make wood grain. This way I can input the Scale and Detail of the moss and wood grain without opening the Node Group. I know that it is something that will be learned and already present in Blender but I enthusiastically found it out for myself. You know, one of those “AHA” moments!


Here is the node group cleaned up after viewing the rest of this lecture.

One mouldy plank:

Node setup:

Edit: Also experimented with material displacement and Cycles. :slight_smile:



Moldy Plank. Used The noise method for the grain from early in the lecture, and a magic texture to blend the gradients. Grain and mold colors are just different values of the same color blended via textures.


Mode Setup before grouping.


And yet another fence…


I still find that creating textures (using nodes) is, for me, one of the most difficult things of Blender. Because, it’s difficult to imagine the effect a setup has, or even a single value, option. And adding more nodes, increases complexity. Slowing down this creative process.

This procedural texture, is my most complicated node configuration ever !
I understand all the interactions, combinations. But fiddling around and trying to make something interesting, is very difficult.


good lesson only next time just say aloud wich keys you press as its sometimes hard to follow.


I need to spend some more time tweaking the moss texture. Lots of power in nodes.

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Problem :

After going back and making some adjustments after cleaning up the nodes a little bit, I noticed that I can render just fine in EEVEE but not in CYCLES. I expected the opposite to be the case potentially.

Here are the screen shots of the renders and the nodes. Anyone have any idea why I can’t render in cycles?

Rendered with Cycles

Rendered with EEVEE

Nodes Setup

Just more of my ideas;

  • Do you use the latest version of Blender?
  • Maybe a UVmap will help.
  • Did you switch on or off, of some special Eevee options?

I have seen a similar thing myself.

Two options wait- the shader might be building. If you have done that the delete and re add and connect the material output node.

FedPete - this is beautiful work

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