About 'Converting BSP to Static Mesh'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Convert BSP geometry to a single static mesh
  2. Add collision to static mesh
  3. Replace actor references in level blueprint

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Convert BSP geometry to a single static mesh

(Unique Video Reference: 10_MR_UBP)

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I updated my W, S, A, D Keys to use the Maze1 static mesh, but I want to clarify how it enforcing the clamping when I use my Key controls.
My flow of thought on this is that:

1: key D gets pressed and rolls around the X axis;

2: SetActorRotation get called on event tick:

  • Gets Actor Rotations; <-- this has my new key press delta rotation values in it
  • Applies mouse Y and mouse X to a clamp value;
  • Creates a new rotation;
  • Sets new rotation;

So my key presses will never pass the clamp value as its been re-processed on every tick. Am I correct in this logic or have I missed something?


Hey @NAP

Yes, this is correct. We take an already existing value and increase it but limit it to a range before converting it into a rotator. The rotator is then used by the set actor rotation function.

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hi the covert to mesh doesnt work in 4.23.1? i tried also with basic cube that works but that one lacks editing ? So how to get meshes imported from geometry map to convert to mesh? btw do you test out your lessons with the latest stable unreal editor?
until this hickup great course thx.

Hello @GavinMilroy,

I am working on this lesson for the course and seem to be having issues with the ball randomly disappearing or falling through the course. Any suggestions for this?

If you’re using UE5, this can happen when the ball initially lands on the floor with no additional movement (example, the floor being perfectly flat). With UE5 physics objects go to sleep much more quickly than they do in UE4.

There are a couple of solutions to this problem presented in the forums, one example being here

Thank you for the response! I am on 4.2 actually going through this tutorial. They actually corrected my issue in a later lesson about debugging and code cleanup. I appreciate the assistance though!

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