About 'Climbing Motion Part 2'!

  • Creating a climbing wall.
  • Setting movement modes.
  • Pairing the controllers.
  • Stealing control.

(Unique Video Reference: 25_AE_VR2)

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A different approach to ‘Stealing Control’:
Rather than giving the controllers pointers to each other, I took a different approach which seems cleaner. There are two parts:

  1. Since VRCharacter passes ‘Grip’ and ‘Ungrip’ action inputs to the controllers anyway, I made a change so that after ‘Grip’ is called on one controller, it then asks that controller whether it is climbing, and if so then it sends ‘Ungrip’ to the other controller.

  2. After any Grip or Ungrip action, VRCharacter asks both controllers whether they are climbing, and calls SetMovementMode to set MOVE_Flying if either said true, otherwise MOVE_Falling. (And the controllers do not have any calls to SetMovementMode)
    This way, neither controller needs to know about each other, and the VRCharacter is responsible for setting its own movement mode.

Very nice approach

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