About 'Block Breaker Game Design'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Fundamental aspects of our design.
  2. Ideas for your game.
  3. Challenge for your game theme, background image and name.

After watching (learning outcomes)… Clear on the game design we will use for Block Breaker.

(Unique Video Reference: 2_BR_CUD)

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I ended up with a superhero-themed game again. The game is called Knock-Off and the power-up blocks are:
The Flick: faster ball

Flex the Obliterator: slower ball, but almost invisible

The Bulk: larger ball, smashes through all blocks in its path

Termite-Person: tiny ball

The paddle is Commander Togo’s shield:

And the background is something like this:


A really good lecture. In one of your other lectures, somewhere, I think you talk about designing games for other players, not yourself - which I think is a good idea.

I’ve never been much of a fan of this style of game, although I have spent many hours, over a course of years playing blockout style games so I do enjoy, in my case, primarily for release from boredom or as a form of simple distraction.

I suspect many other players have very different reasons than mine, which developing a game based on their reasons would create a very different game than one based on my reasons.

I’m hoping maybe some other people here who play or have played this type of game might share what their reasons for playing are; what they enjoy about this type of game.

Ocean’s Break

Break familiar shaped blocks and objects submerged in the ocean(Emojis, sunken ships, chests…), at different depths of the oceans. With each different level having a different look and feel.

Later when I get to learn about fluid friction, bounciness, mechanics, etc, you know, all those cool things of game physics, planning on giving the ball(or multiple balls) different speeds and friction above and below the water making it harder to target when the user gets deeper into the levels.

For the Look

Got this free wall paper from Imgur

And pixellated it with Adobe Photoshop into this…

For my first level, since today is the 14th of Feb, I am going for a Valentines Day themed Level, giving the Player the power to breaks hearts. Pun not intended. :blush:


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What a beautiful wall paper you chose :slight_smile:


I might put up some people I know.

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I love things related to the cosmos so I would like to do a theme related to crystals and cosmos. My background image:

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