About 'Attachment, Actors and Components'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Attachment with actors and components.
  2. Using GetAttachParentActor.
  3. Creating a spawning component.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Understand component versus actor childing.

(Unique Video Reference: 106_BT_URC)

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I’d have the say the biggest thing you could do better is to be clearer in your explanation of the challenge.

The challenge is “Create a Spawning Component” in C++.

Okay. Where? In the Tank? As part of the SprungWheel? A completely separate component which calls on the other two?

With any challenge, there has to be a start point otherwise we’re just looking around blindly for the first step which, for me, ends up being un-pausing the video to see where I’m supposed to do the first thing.

As it turns out (oh, spoilers if you haven’t done the challenge yet), you have go to into the Tank Blueprint and add a new C++ Component called a Scene Component. This isn’t made clear at all before or during the issuing of the challenge.

The explanation part where you’re telling us the hierarchy of things is basically root components being attached to root components makes sense and I did get it, even if I had to watch the video twice to do so.

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Have to agree with this - I managed to get almost 100% through the last few lectures to the point of even setting up all of the constraint properties in C++ (apparently that wasn’t the challenge yet) but this one made no sense to me.

Would appreciate a more in-depth discussion on this since the distinction of when to use actors, or components is not clear at all.

This section is soon to be replaced by an even better version. Keep an eye out for that.

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