About asset store eula

Hi, is there a place (website, forum, discussion, discord, etc.) that can help me with
understanding the license of those assets.

I tried to read the information but it is so complexe at the end I don’t understand anything about
what I “can” do with those assets.

For example, I “bought” some musics (not free asset), I am not even sure I can use them in my games if
I sell it on googleplay :frowning:

So, if someone can share informations about what we “can” do, it will be very helpfull.

M. D.

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Aside from general EULA of it (which actually is what’s binding, but it’s legalese so hard to understand). There are those articles: https://support.unity.com/hc/en-us/categories/201253946-Asset-Store . Especially this subcategory: https://support.unity.com/hc/en-us/sections/360003854472-Asset-Store-Customers- . Probably this one is most relevant to what you are asking: https://support.unity.com/hc/en-us/articles/205623589-Can-I-use-assets-from-the-Asset-Store-in-my-commercial-game-

As I understand EULA (I’m not a lawyer and this is not a legal advice obviously :stuck_out_tongue: ), you can use most assets in commercial games. Most, i.e., those under standard asset store EULA. This is actually becoming a mess, as certain assets are adding custom licensing terms (which is actually against EULA, but even Unity partners started doing that). What you can’t do is to resell the assets as assets (even if those would be just small part of the whole thing you are selling).

Also, when in doubt: contact asset store support and/or hire a lawyer. The latter is especially important when you’ll be at the stage of taking this seriously as a business and start releasing commercial games.

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Thank you for your answer.

I am not far for releasing some work.
And the music and some graphics, for example, will not be mine and will come free sites but most of from the asset store.

M. D.

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It’s often the third party sites that can be a gotcha. In general, the last link in @bOBaN’s post explains the situation with Unity Asset Store purchases pretty well. Note that for legalese purposes, free assets in the Asset Store are still considered “purchases” when you add them to your assets.

Third party sites, on the other hand, can come with other restrictions, especially free assets. For example, a number of assets are out there with Creative Commons licenses. These licenses come in many many flavors, and may or may not be allowed for commercial use. There could be other restrictions as well, such as ensuring that you give proper credit to the maker of the assets, or that you are not allowed to make modifications to the asset. Each 3rd party asset’s EULA will need to be reviewed separately.

This is not legal advice. Any and all questions like this ultimately need to be referred to a qualified lawyer.

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Thank you Brian,

M. D.

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