About 'Animation States & Transitions'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Create animation clips for run and climb.
  2. Add animation states for each animation clip type.
  3. Add bool parameters to switch between animation states.
  4. Add transitions between the animation states.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Able to construct an animation state machine with transitions and triggers.

(Unique Video Reference: 7_TV_CUD)

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Hi all,

I’m having some trouble with Animation States and Transitions in the Tilevania Platformer section. I can see in the Animator window that the Animation states are running, but the Player in the Game Window is not moving at all. My animator controller is definitely assigned to my Player. I’ve followed all of the steps in the videos and everything looks the same except for the Player not animating in Play mode. Any ideas why my Player might not be animating?

Can you share some screenshots with us of your inspector and any code that relates to this?

There are no coded scripts, I’ve just been following the instructions from the videos in the TileVania section thus far:

I did some research and I believe I might have found a solution. By going through Window > Animation, selecting Player and the animation in question, you can manually select and add all of the sprites from the animation and edit the speed of the animation as well. Now my Player shows the animation. I wonder, though, if this is not proper given something that is to follow later?

With animation states, there are a few places to look:

  1. Are you triggering the correct animation when you enter a transition and when you exit a transition.
  2. Is your animation correctly set up with frames and is set to loop (if its supposed to loop).
  3. Is the correct animator controller assigned in the inspector.

It looks like your animation set up might have been the problem. And no, if you have an animation file that is correctly playing the animation, then there shouldn’t be any issues with how you have set it up. The animation that is working for you was created a slightly longer way to the way I did it in the videos, but its still an animation file with X sprites in it making up the animation file.

Thank you Rick, I appreciate the explanation. It was initially confusing because I was certain that I followed all of the steps you detailed in the video-I watched it three times to be sure of this-and yet when you clicked ‘play’ in the video, the character would animate and mine would not. Very odd and a bit frustrating. In any case, thank you for your prompt reply.

No worries, happy to help. :slight_smile:

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