About 'Adding Production Assets'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Import art assets
  2. Reconstruct our pathfinding block with the new look
  3. Update the rest of our scene with a new look

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Import, implement and tune art assets for your scene.

(Unique Video Reference: 18_RR_CU2)

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  • What we could do better?

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My level mock-up with placeholders so far:


Another Version


Playing around in MagicaVoxel to create some basic assets for the game.



Very cool look, like an alien chess set! (the first picture, the others are cool too.)

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Thank you :slight_smile:

Absolutely gorgeous! Looks fantastic guys.

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Really great, well done. It’s exciting to imagine other assets changing the look of the game.

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I’m learning a lot from this course. This lecture was nice since it gave life to blocks and so on.

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My Pathfinding test (Breadth-first search)


My level so far :smile:

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