About 'Add Player Score'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Create currentScore and pointsPerBlockDestroyed variables.
  2. Create a public method that adds to our score when called.
  3. Call the method which increases our score when a block is destroyed.

After watching (learning outcomes)… Able to increase the player's score when a block is destroyed.

(Unique Video Reference: 24_BR_CUD)

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Wouldn’t it be better to call “FindObjectOfType<GameStatus>();” in the Start() and not every frame? There is a reason we have yet to cover to put it in Update()?

My suggestion would be to store the pointsPerBlockDestoryed in the block as opposed to the GameStatus/GameSession so that you can have a different point value for different blocks on the same level. Even the 2 or 3 hit blocks could have different points assigned to them to make the game score more interesting than a set amount of points regardless of block.

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