A year later, don't be me, take version control seriously

Just…checking in after a year.

So I signed up pretty much exactly a year ago and finished this course as well as the RPG one somewhat soon after. I got far enough that I felt pretty comfortable I had made a few fun VR projects, whether it’s Oculus Quest hand tracking demos or little architectural demos, recently I got pretty deep into an Oculus Quest game having worked out player IK and enemy AI, hoping to make a little rogue-like shooter, with the base mechanics pretty much ironed out. Throughout all these times, I’ve only backed everything up on Google Drive which automatically saves 25 versions of every file, this has saved me a few times, so I thought it’s good enough for little projects, “I’m sure I’ll use proper version control on a proper project” I told myself.

Today, I learn the lesson I secretly knew I’d have to face one day, working on it as usual, I managed to break something while playing around in the editor that caused a catastrophic failure, every script is no longer linked to anything, and the entire VR integration is broken in Visual Studio Code where previously working namespaces aren’t recognised, intellisense no longer working. As I didn’t cause the problem editing a script, dozens / hundreds of files I don’t recognise were updated in Google Drive every time I play around in the editor, I have no way of knowing which is which in order to restore it to when it was stable, and unlike version control, everything is constantly “committed”. I had to face this error of mine and start a new project, to re-import things back in piece by piece, except this time, I find myself back on Udemy, revisiting the chapter on version control so I can set it up properly.

Don’t be me… use version control.


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