As I am “brand spanking new” to UE4 and game development in general, I thought it might be a good idea to talk about organization a little bit more in newbie terms before asking a student to “tidy” things up a bit.
My particular issue came in the Crystal Cavern lesson 15/30 when asked to tidy things up a bit. A long story short is that code and programs are dependent on structure to know where things are (duh!) and programs like UE4 seem to be forgiving to a degree, but blatant shuffling of files will only anger the digital gods. I gummed things up to the point that Unreal thinks that there are files there that aren’t and won’t allow me to delete unneeded files (as far as my limited knowledge goes). In the end, I am starting over. I’ll leave this old project file to maybe dive into another time to see if I can “skillfully” save it.
Discussion: Should we have a “short” discussion on the ramifications of file structure and how to properly tidy up?
Live and learn!