A strange industrial mini complex

Started a Blender course a week ago. Here are my very first 3D models & renders to practice as I’m going with the course. I just want to show it to someone, but if you have advice, I’ll be glad to hear it.

More renders



Wow this is really cool!

And first 3d model wut?! Really well done!

Love the pipes btw


Wow! Very detailed model, great work!


I’m new on blender and trying for find inspiration, is challenging to see your great design !! when I saw your work is a strong motivation because you make me push myself to do something better and improve my design…excellent work! thanks for sharing!


I know , as an creative artist you want to show all of you mesh work.
But it’s all done, from the birds point of view. Up in the sly.
What if walking around, see the massive scale of things …


Thank you guys, all this feedback inspires me to continue learning.
@FedPete that’s right, I really forgot about renders from the ground.
Doing them already to see how it looks.

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Updated the first post with some additional renders.
@FedPete Thanks for pointing this to me.

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Now you can see also the effort in details, like nuts and bots.

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