A solution for Radial Force Problem that worked for me

I noticed the collision presets for Tank Body in blueprint was set to “WorldDynamic”, which is not one of the default values of the collision presets that Explosion Force can affect.

The defaults are “Pawn,” “PhysicsBody,” “Vehicle,” and “Destructible” as you can see above.

So I changed the collision presets of Tank Body to “Pawn,” and it worked :slight_smile:


For those using a newer version of Unreal (4.19 in my case), it looks like the default collision preset got renamed to “BlockAllDynamic”. As Ash_Casper notes, that’s not one of the collision presets that the explosion force affects so the tank does not respond to the impulse.

I changed it to “Vehicle” to fix the impulse response, but “Pawn” would have worked too.

Much thanks

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