tldr; i disagree with kimset and i do agree with the idea of RTS Course.(but i would be okay with a moba course, since a lot of things do carry over).
honestly, i do not think they are dead.
if you think about it, everyone genre has one or two big massive games that are leading it, for RTS that would simply be starcraft.
so it does have a “leading game” the only issue is that, there are not many RTS games that are released in both the indie market and the AAA market. this is due to their massive complexity, when compared to say, platformers.
and with their great complexity it simply becomes harder to make them, if it is harder to make them, then, less and less people would be making them, which in turn, puts us where we are today.
i do believe if there were to be ways of making RTS games in an easier format a lot more RTS games will come out. with a lot more innovation, with the result that, it will be “awakened” again, i would not call it, death, i’d simply call it, inability to have a lot of people making variants in it. due to its complexity.
and with time that have passed, the interest in RTS have started to grow less and less due to that.
Mobas happened to be a simple replacement, that filled the void. but by no means did Mobas kill RTS or even get close to. (nor is it an intention or goal).
i still believe there are countless fans of RTS, even among us students, and would totally like to make RTS games.
and in case of being worried about the audience of RTS players that they no longer exist i suggest you check out.
this is literally the site that does direct you towards all game communities in it. plus having a community for each game in it.
one last thing i’d like to mention for older games, you can still find over 300 players in its peak in a single lobby in RTS games (Red Alert 2 Lan Arenas for example).(which are not covered in GameReplays.Org).
plus, starcraft brood war remastered in HD is arriving soon, and basically, what i am trying to say, sure there are not “unified” fronts of RTS like MOBA has, but there are a lot of fronts where RTS players are having fun and do exist.
and i do believe among those, are people who would probably want to make such games. if opportunity shows up.
or at the very least, are starving for a good RTS game to take them away from the old grumpy games they got. (because will, for the reason i mentioned above, why there is not much innovation in modern RTS world).
but it is harder to pull off due to(than RPG). will need a lot of “design” in there, and there is not a lot of design material for RTS games. (which means, rick (if he is now officially totally a part of the team and future plan) will have to do a lot of research about RTS games there is not many “read to go” reading material about it).
2.generally in a technical view, making an RTS is just harder in a lot of aspects than RPG.
plus if you want to expand it and add AI, then… good lord, that is such a difficult task.
also no need for the RTS course to feature a full game, you can simply go far with making a simple Tech Demo?
just throwing my 2cents here, im a big supporter of this.
would it be more beneficial to create a moba course though? honestly, as someone who want to make an RTS, im pretty sure, making a moba would help me alot in the road of making my RTS, since a lot of the things in there, just carry over to RTS. so i would not mind.
but the only way to find out what people would want more is probably another vote
moba vs RTS.
perhaps we can test the new voting system ben mentioned in his AMA on this topic ?
(when it is ready of course).