I am resuming this course after a short hiatus. Does anyone else taking it know if/when we lost the second collider on the player? I still have the capsule collider at his feet. Trying to determine if there was a reason for getting rid of it, or if I accidentally deleted it at some point
Hey Apeirophobe
Not silly at all! I presume you’re talking about TileVania. I’ve just finished it and double checked my player. I still have the capsule and box colliders on the player so I suspect you deleted it.
Good luck on you’re return to the course!!
This is the top down 2D combat course. Sorry I forgot to specify.
I’m showing a CapsuleCollider2d at the player’s feet for collisions (to stop you from walking through walls), and a CircleCollider2d set as trigger for intersecting with projectiles and enemies.
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