I just changed back from MacOS to Windows. I followed instruction and installed the latest Editor version (2021.3.11f1) on Windows. But when I tried to open my project there, Unity Hub told me that my project was created with 2020.3.38f1, so my question is: can I just open the project with the new Editor version or I shall get back and use the old version?
You can but beware…
Upgrades to Unity usually go fine, but it can also break the project if a function that was used becomes deprecated or functionality/settings change.
I’d suggest to try it but keep a backup.
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Unity is good with this though, marking functions as obsolete instead of removing them completely. That being said, I have also found a few cases where functions were removed from a version, and then put back in a later one with the obsolete attribute.
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Thanks for the help. I kept a backup and upgraded.
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