Looking to games like R-Type, Gradius, etc, we see enemies show up in packs, flying in parabola all in a line. While I have coded the parabola function in to the enemies, what I wanted to show was the code for an enemy spawner that spawns enemies in packs, with a pause in between.
extends Node2D
@export var wave_size: int = 6
var spawn_position_array
var remaining_in_wave = wave_size
var enemy_ship_scene = preload("res://scenes/enemy_template.tscn")
@onready var release_target = get_node("SpawnPositions/SpawnPosition01")
@onready var wave_release_timer = $WaveSeparatorTimer
@onready var ship_separator_timer = $ShipSeparatorTimer
var random = RandomNumberGenerator.new()
func _ready():
var spawn_positions = get_node("SpawnPositions")
spawn_position_array = spawn_positions.get_children()
func _on_ship_separator_timer_timeout():
# If there's ships left in the wave,
if (remaining_in_wave > 0):
#Instantiate a ship as a child to the current release target
var enemy_ship_instance = enemy_ship_scene.instantiate()
#Decrement the ships remaining in the wave and start the timer for the next check
remaining_in_wave -= 1
# If there's no ships left in the wave, reset the wave and start the timer for the next squad.
print("Wave done.")
remaining_in_wave = wave_size
func _on_wave_separator_timer_timeout():
print("New wave.")
# Choose a random node from the release target array for use during the next squad's release
release_target = spawn_position_array[random.randi_range(0,spawn_position_array.size()-1)]
# Start the timer for squad separation