A lot of problems extruding profile along parth

Maybe it’s because somewhere, while working with Blender, I set accidentally a wrong option. But problems started with the BEVEL tool. If I selected an EDGE and use the bevel tool, than the X-as was scaled differently that the Y-ax. No nice rounded corners, but more ellipse curved.
This is gone now, but I don’t know why.

But working with profiles and paths is also very odd (unexpected).
When I add a BEVEL object to a the PATH it’s is flattened on the Z-ax and scaled on the X-ax. The Y-ax seams to be unaffected.

In one case, when I moved the BEVEL object over the Y-ax, the extrude (path) object scaled also and it becomes more solid.
In an other case, this previous trick didn’t work. Here I rotated the BEVEL object over the X-ax, showing the extruded object.

In principal I just followed Michaels instructions.

Ad. I think because I didn’t create the bevel-profile object on the X/Y-ax plain … where Z-ax will be the extrusion direction…

Did you try rotate in the bevel in edit mode? If in object mode it doenst effect the result.
Dont know exactly why…

The problem is SCALING.
Scaling as an mesh object (Object mode window, the n-key panel.) and scaling the mesh in the editor (Edit mode) are different things. I encounter this problem several times. Without knowing what’s happening.
But now, when I have this problem, I apply the scale (Object mode, Ctrl+A) to the object. The object stays the same, but the problem is gone. The bevel works as expected.

It think because I apply a scale to a certain ax (x,y,z) in Object mode, instead of in Edit mode. I didn’t know there was a difference.

Thank you for your replay.


So, in object mode the mesh stays the same and in edit mode the function of the vector changes to give the impression of scaling?

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