A little project i tried out this week

Feedback requested .
I used all my knoledge of blender and adobe lightroom to make this scene . I made the body parts by applying subdivision surface modifier on the cube and made the dents in the body by using boolean operations . Made the texture by texture painting (It wasnt the most eficient way i think , i could have easily adjusted by using edge slide options and then assigning a different materials , which i used for eyes ) . The rocks used are from assets provided by cg fasttrack on sword in stone tutorial . Used deciminagte modifier to reduce the polygon count as they were quite high poly . background was made using an image texture on a emission shader . i also used a space hdri for the world .

Was that a good approach or i should have gone a much easier way .

( I know that near the arm something wierd is going on , but i didnt bothered to fix it as it doesnt attract
much attention .
Made that circle in the body using loop tools and after that i assigned it some emissive material . )
this is the render without post processing .


I find it a really good end result, you should be proud.
I like the colors. All things come together.
Composition leans a bit to the right. Eev and the big rock isn’t compensated with some thing at the left.
Maybe move Eev to the left.

It’s not how you made it. Or how efficient you where. That will come with time and experience.
You can not do things wrong in Blender.

And for the Abode lightroom, you could experiment with the Blender post compositing function. try to do all in Blender. Not because you must, but a new learning experience.

Have fun!


currently i find composting in blender quite difficult as i am now that much experienced with things like saturation , hue etc . I used mobile version of adobe lightroom and i find mobile versions to be quick and easy to operate instead of pc versions (downside i cant do much detailed work on a tiny screen ) .
I also thinks the focous is a bit to the right .
Will remember these things for my next week project .
Thanks for feedback .

This looks great! A very believable desert/alien planet. You really blended the background image, hdri, and foreground objects very well. I honestly can’t tell where one ends and the other begins.

If I had to nitpick, It’d be the ground/floor, especially in the first picture. Sorry I don’t know exactly why, but something makes it stand out as artificial. Only noticeable because the rest of the scene looks so real.

Love the robot. Overall really nice scene. Good work!

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