A little advice from a total newbie on Particle Systems

I have been playing and playing with these and found all sorts of really odd behaviours. Particle systems really benefit from starting from scratch if something is behaving really weirdly. My bullets were following the ship position (even in World mode), they were off course, they had colour problems, etc etc. Starting again from scratch with a new system often solves the problems.

Surely you WANT particles to follow ship position, roughly? I mean, the velocity of the particles shouldn’t be (0,0,0), it should be rb.velocity (the current velocity of your ship). You knw how if you fart on a train, the gas-particles follow you at the same velocity as the train (assuming the train doesn’t accellerate or decellerate in the meantime)?

I’ve often had opposite problem with unity projectiles, in that their velocity fails to connect to the initial velocity of the thing with projects them, I usually have to do some kind of hack where I pass a copy of the rb.velocity to a parameter of the instantiate projectile object.

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