Hi Everyone,
I am a humble Mathf.Sin-ner
repenting S.Hubbard’s advice to read Unity Docs about Mathf.Sin
. But went ahead and coded in C#, the word of our Lord, Unity.
[Update] The following is a narration of my experience, for I fear retribution if I do not spread the word of our Lord’s miracle.
Somehow my Shooter script was spewing bullets all bunched together like grapes. Couldn’t figureout why or how. I spent nearly a day to figure it out. By noon, my brain was exploding, so I thought I would take a nap. But before going to bed, I prayed to Unity God to give me a SIGN, a Miracle. During my nap, God appeared in my dreams and told me -“Read Emmanuelle and it shall be revealed to Yee”. I woke up drenched in sweat but couldn’t quite figure out what he said.
So I went on with some more debugging later that noon and figured –
was expecting a float in RADIANS. So current angle had to be converted using Mathf.Deg2Rad
At that point I read the docs and I was like OMG. Cuz then it dawned to me that our Lord was telling me not to “Read Emanuelle” but “Read the Manual”. Because I didn’t read the Docs, I was using Mathf.Rad2Deg instead.
Peace be with yall.