A GDD for my game Urban Frontier

In Urban Frontier, you are a tank operator in an urban landscape filled with buildings and obstruction. Defeat rival operators to win, and lose if you die, if you don’t carefully check your corners.

In addition to operating a tank and its controls, you can traverse up hills, and use certain openings within buildings to take on your enemies with the element of surprise. The environment is both your friend and foe, with buildings and hills to conceal your presence, provide vantage points, or flank your enemies.

What Sound Effects will the game need?
The Sound Effects require will include environment ambiance, tank engine sound (one for when it’s still and another for when moving) and a firing sound for the barrel.

What Art assets will the game need?
Aside from the Tank model, Urban Frontier will not need anything else, but textures for primitives is completely optional. Regarding primitives, Cubes will mostly be used for buildings, although additional primitives can be use to look more aesthetically pleasing in addition to base materials. I’ve worked with Prefabs in Unity in the past to save myself time, so Prefabs for the buildings will help as well. For the scope of this project I’ll only need two or three. Primitives can also be used to design the natural environment such as trees. As a result however, the game will aim for a cartoonish look.

There needs to be ground textures to indicate obvious paths the player can see (and appropriate ground textures for the urban and natural environment), and a ground mesh of the environment to raise up hills to further design the game.

I actually have experience making Particle Effects in Unreal Engine 4 thanks to a VFX class for Unreal Engine 4 I once took. At some point, I could make Particle Effects for the engine and the tank barrel when it fires a shell.

After the course is done, I can use the rest of experience that I have in Maya to make even more assets, although my modeling experience is really sub par at this time.

What music will the game need?
The game will not need any music.

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