Let me know what you think
Very impressive stuff! The first bunny is my favorite. Looks very detailed and realistic. Iām still struggling to make particles and hair look that good and clean so you did a great job there! When did you start learning blender and may I ask you what shaders you used for the chess scene figures apart from diffuse and transparent I believe? Anyway, keep up the good work!
Thank you @FeelsPartyMan
I started using Blender in August, never used any 3D software before. Decided to see what I could do, so followed a few Youtube videos, to get the basics down, and got this course to learn a little more, from there I have been doing quite a bit on my own.
The bunny is quite cute, I learned more about hair particles from a Youtube video on how to make a teddy bear.
The Chess set, all the pieces are using the Glass shader only. The white blocks are using the Emissive shader