A few of my images from messing with blender for the past 3 months

Let me know what you think :wink:


Very impressive stuff! The first bunny is my favorite. Looks very detailed and realistic. Iā€™m still struggling to make particles and hair look that good and clean so you did a great job there! When did you start learning blender and may I ask you what shaders you used for the chess scene figures apart from diffuse and transparent I believe? Anyway, keep up the good work!

Thank you @FeelsPartyMan :wink:
I started using Blender in August, never used any 3D software before. Decided to see what I could do, so followed a few Youtube videos, to get the basics down, and got this course to learn a little more, from there I have been doing quite a bit on my own.

The bunny is quite cute, I learned more about hair particles from a Youtube video on how to make a teddy bear.
The Chess set, all the pieces are using the Glass shader only. The white blocks are using the Emissive shader :wink:

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