A Few Minor Suggestions

Awesome course. I have a few very minor improvement suggestions. I owned a computer school for 10 years, where we taught computer courses for senior citizens, and I’ve done other computer teaching - I know how hard it is to teach computers well, and in addition with no instructor present, however, you people do an awesome job.

I’m putting these minor suggestions into this separate message, so you can easily delete this message, without deleting my compliments and thanks, in the other message, once you’ve got this message.

  1. I don’t know if this is possible with your set up, but it would be nice if I could use the left arrow key to jump the video back 5 seconds, while the video is “paused.” It does jump back a few seconds when the video is running, but I often had the video paused while doing the exercises, so it would be nice if I could jump back when the video is paused.

  2. How to UNMARK a level after watching the video? (I did something stupid. I thought the video was paused, but it wasn’t, and I left the room for a snack. I came back half an hour later, and it had auto played all the videos up to the next Quiz (where it locked and stopped), and marked the videos all Completed. Since I am pausing and unpausing the video almost continuously, I’m surprised I only did this once. So being able to Unmark them as Complete, would make it easy for a user to fix this problem.)

  3. On % Complete, it would be nice on a very big course like this to have an extra decimal on the %, i.e. 83.4%.

Obviously all these are small suggestions for incremental improvement.

  1. This is a bigger suggestion or more of a request, if you can do it. A way to Map out the Game, to keep better track of what the different scripts, tilemaps, etc. do, would be useful. It was getting a bit hairy, especially in the Glitch Garden game. The TileVania was reasonable. I will work on developing my own system for this, but if you have a system, I’m sure many of us would appreciate knowing it. I know some of the complexity is the way Unity 3D is structured. I’m also going to check out GitHub for Unity in the Unity Asset Store. This may help me with some of this.

Anyway just a few very minor suggestions to make a awesome course slightly better.

Thank you!

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