A couple errors in the video

Not sure if this was intended, but in the video at around the 1:13 mark, Ben states that “whenever you write a constructor in the future”, but we don’t learn what a constructor actually is until the next lesson, which might be confusing to some.

Also, for the challenge, we are first told to use const with all other getter methods, but then when given the challenge Ben highlights 3 member functions, 1 of which is a getter (and therefore obviously must be const according to his instruction) and says “could one of these other be const, one of the three that I’ve highlighted”.

Now, if I were to assume Ben highlighted the wrong 3 (as he already told us GetCurrentTry() & GetMaxTries() should be const as they are getters) then I would have suggested that perhaps Reset() should be const.

Not a big deal, but might be confusing for some (it was for me).

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