A bit of challenge confusion here

The challenge of applying the armature of the previous lesson in a new blend file, was confusing to me. Because when opening the previous project, to apply the armature. I was looking in the armature section.


But no animation data was copied. So I looked how Michael did this, and I saw he was applying the armature bone OBJECT, containing including the animation data.

Then I had a lot of strange animation problems. Due to the fact that the bone animation (location, scaling) and a new object (from the chess set challenge) didn’t match at all! also discussed by Michael, so lessons learned.

After some tweaking I managed to get the bump animation working the chess piece. And this is the result.
Somehow I like it.


I had exactly the same problem. I also first appended the animation itself, not the animation object. The result is, that the animation doesn’t appear in the tree.
The animation has been appended to the file, you can find it when you have a look in the Outliner and choose the Blender file, but I don’t get into the scene:
When I append the animation object, everything works well.
So, here is my animation (I took a cylinder, because I already took a sphere in the previous lection :wink: ):


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