A bit more randomization

Hey there – enjoying the course so far, but running the c# parts at maximum speed (have 20+ years experience with .net, so just looking for the usage of some of the methods in the behaviors).

The unity part is totally new for me, coming from GameMaker, and I must say, many things are very similar, although you have to handle most things through code in GameMaker and it’s less ui-clicking there.

But for 3D, unity is the way to go, GameMaker is a 2D engine.
Anyway, I left the physics on and experimented a bit with randomization on the dropper objects!
Collision still not working as I expected it to be, I can run through all walls if I just keep the key down, although the bumping appears in the log, but somehow I can not make the walls “solid” so, no-pass-through. I hope, bouncing and impulse-reversion will be covered in later lectures.

Here’s a video of my randomization:

Hey @Grisgram I experienced the same issue with game object phasing, so your video got me doing some google fu and i think i’ve found the issue and possible resolution.

From what i understand it has something to do with collision detection modes that can be set on the game object. Check out the forum post below and see if they help. I will give it a try myself later today.

Happy deving :smiley:

What are the necessary settings to prevent objects passing through each other at high speeds?

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